Sunday, March 29, 2009

Look Who's Back!

Indeed, Jesse Paulson made a triumphant return after the Sounders game by sneaking the green space star to become the Mario Party Champion!

Saturday, March 28, 2009


Played Mario Party last night with John & Amy Weaver. Results are in. Sucky.

And... Sucky x2

Monday, March 16, 2009

Unusual event... Seemingly usual finish.

Yes, indeed, Jesse, John and I were able to complete another Mario Party event this past weekend. With Amy out of town, JaceMan down & out and a Paulson mother-in-law in town, the gents were able to convene for another bout with the computer -- this time doing everything possible to ensure we didn't have to take a shaming photo of the threesome.

This shameful photo did NOT occur! JW took top honors with eight (8) stars to not eight (8) stars by the other contestants. Well done, John Weaver! Yet another win... a seemlinly consistent finish!

Side note: one knows it has been a while when Jesse Paulson forgets what the games are!